Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Basic Tenets of the New Sociology of Childhood

Discuss the basic tenants and evaluate the utility of the new sociology of childhood in gaining a better understanding of young people. Childhood is the age span ranging from birth to adolescence and its non-specific for it can imply a varying range of years in human development reference. The age ranges anywhere from 12 years to 15years with 18years being most common. Previous research done by sociologists focused on children primarily in terms of socialization and within the context of the family. The ‘new sociology of childhood’ argues that children inhabit more than one world, worlds that may well conflict those of adults, those of children s own making, and those that children†¦show more content†¦The Marxist perspective argues that childhood is socially constructed because the bourgeoisie need a better-educated and skilled work force to cope with complex machines and follow instructions. The family provided food, shelter and clothing and by paying taxes provides education and healthcare for those who will be the next generation of workers. All of this benefited bourgeoisie at all most no expense to them. The ideology of responsibility of parents ensures that parents make sacrifices to bring up their children. Therefore, the bourgeoisie benefit from the concept of childhood. Therefore by arguing that childhood is social constructed, the â€Å"new sociology of childhood† enables one to understand young people from a different perspective. Such notions of childhood innocence, vulnerability, helplessness, economic dependence among others are scrutinized with regard to broader structural forces. Thus young people even though by virtue of their biological and psychological make-up may be similar across all cultures, what they are expected to do or how they view themselves differ from place to place, situation to situation. For instance even though the United Nations universalize childhood by defining it as, â€Å"Childhood is the time for children to be in school and at play, to grow strong and confident with the love and encouragement of their family and an extended community of caring adults† (UNICEF 2005).Show MoreRelatedTheories And Concepts Of Social Work1645 Words   |  7 PagesTheories and Concepts in Social Work Hawra Alakhdhair Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis My view of theory and concepts As humans develop, social scientists utilize theories and concepts to define and explain behaviors. Each tenet of theories and concepts defines these frameworks difference. I will begin to define theories and concepts using the scientific and social field lenses. Scientific and social theory The definition of theory and concept in the scientific field is differentRead More Freud and Jung Essay1403 Words   |  6 Pagesinfluence. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

New Medias Influence On Society - 1564 Words

Everyone has a voice Prior to new media evolution, people were extremely limited in interaction with each other and were restricted largely to the people that they knew in-person. Development of new media, especially the social media changes the way people engage, how they communicate and share ideas, entertain themselves down to the way they think. In a tremendously short period of time, new media have accelerated the culture people are living in and transformed the way, in which people live, work and play. One of the biggest changes new media causes in the way that people interact is that it allows information to move at a rapid pace. This has opened-up opportunity to share opinions with a far wider audience and get a message out to thousands or even millions of people uncensored. So, today, people are inundated with a daily deluge of content and anyone can be a powerful source of influence. New media has empowered people to have a voice and a chance to be heard as much or as little as they want. Thus , it has significantly redefined relationships among people and has forever changed the way people do business. Expectations of today consumers have changed and they are no longer passive consumers. They expect to be respected rather than treated as sales leads and expect gratification when it comes to searching, finding, and having information. Hence, today, the world of consumers is different from its past era, which make past marketing tactics outdated and irrelevant.Show MoreRelated Enjoyment of Being a Girl: Overcoming Industry Standards Essay1489 Words   |  6 Pagesa clinical social worker (WVU). The media is such a huge influence in people’s lives sometimes they don’t realize it. As women are walking down the street, the media can influence them. As people are riding in the car, the media can influence them. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

All the Worlds a Stage by William Shakespeare free essay sample

All The Worlds a Stage by William Shakespeare All The Worlds a Stage by William Shakespeare is a short poem comparing our lives and the many stages we have to a theatrical play and the many rolls an through in life. Infancy, the stage where he is a baby introduced to the world, crying and puking in the nurses arms. Childhood, this is the stage where he is growing up and starting school with no enthusiasm. The lover, this is the stage where he has a mistress and falls In love with her, while he tries to sing her a song he cant look Into her eyes because hes so shy.The soldier Is when he tries to keep his reputation hinging less of himself and more of others, and always being ready to fight. The justice stage is where he has gained wisdom and prosperity by the many experiences he had in life. The old age stage is when he begins to lose his charm physically and mentally, he also loses his firmness and personality. Finally. Physical and mental lose and death, he begins to become dependent on others like a child and needs constant help from others to perform any tasks; he slowly loses his teeth, eyesight, and taste, until he finally dies.In this paper I will analyze the way William Shakespeare amperes a persons life and Its many stages to a theatrical stage and the many rolls and actor performs, his tone, how he uses explicit details, imagery, repetition, consonance, and any other figurative language he uses in this poem. Tone The tone in this poem in my opinion is that William Shakespeare feels as if everyone ends up the way people do Just because we all go through life as If we were actors on a stage reading a script knowing every step to take till the very end.He Is accepting of death, he knows that everyone goes through every single stage of life assuming they now what do to do next, but no one really does. I came to this conclusion because Shakespeare shows no type of anger or excitement throughout the poem. He is neutral; he Is neither afraid of death nor excited about It. He feels as If everyone has a purpose in life and to find that purpose you have to go through every stage. It doesnt matter how confident you are, how hard you try, or how fast you get through each stage, everyone will always end the same way, dying.Shakespeare knows you cannot skip this part of life no matter who you are. One can only enjoy the time you have and wait for your time to come. He understands no ones life is fully complete until you go through your final stage of life and die. Imagery William Shakespeare uses a lot of very strong visual imagery though out his poem. In line 7-9 one can visualize a little boy In the morning, tired and very slowly dragging himself to school with his satchel, when he says the whaling schoolboy, with his satchel and shining morning face, creeping like a snail unwillingly to school. Another sense of strong imagery is in line 5-6, when he says at first, the infant, mewling and puking In the nurses arms. In this line one can easily picture a nurse holding a baby ho Just came into this world for the first time, whining, squirming, and puking In her arms. In line 9-11 William Shakespeare says the lover sighing like furnace, with a 1 OFF his mistress a song like poem to express his love to her, but his too shy to look her in the eyes while he sings to her. William Shakespeare uses the entire poem All the Worlds a Stage as a metaphor to compare the stages of life to a theatrical stage.He explains how the rolls we play throughout our lives are like the rolls an actor plays on stage. He makes sure to say that no one is ever the same person their entire life, Just s an actor doesnt stay the same throughout a play. William Shakespeare uses strong imagery and metaphor in the poem for us to picture images every stage and how we change all throughout them as we read. Sound Sound is a very big part of this poem, because he uses a specific structure, some rhyme and repetition. The structure of this poem is very important because each stage is in order.He goes from infant, to schoolboy, to lover, to soldier, to Justice, to old age, and finally death. For ones life to start you must be born into this world as an infant; then you slowly grow into a schoolboy, become a lover and then a soldier ring to keep your reputation. You gain wisdom and Justice and then you grow into old age where you lose your appearance physically and mentally. Lastly you become dependent on others and eventually your life is over. This poem also has some rhyme in it but not much. You will not find rhyme in the same line.In line 7 he uses the word whining and in line 8 he uses the word shining to describe the schoolboy, which both words rhyme with each other. He doesnt feel the need to have to rhyme so much in this poem for one to fully understand the metaphor he is conveying. He also uses repetition in the last line of the poem. As he says sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything he repeats sans to let you know he has lost his teeth, eyes, taste, everything as he dies. Theme The theme to All the Worlds a Stage in my opinion is live life to the fullest with no regrets.Everyone should have their own life, and do their own thing. No one should have the same routine every single day, thats boring. Be spontaneous, do things youd never imagine doing. Youd be surprised at the many things one can do in this world at any age; we Just have to be willing to leave our comfort zone and let loose. One should not let another person take over their life for any reason. We should have control of it, and be able to do what we want when we want, and not have to ask for permission. Not everyone goes through each stage of life at the same time, it shouldnt matter how old one is. One should always have time to laugh and have a good time at any time no matter what. In this poem it is very clear that William Shakespeare wants you to understand how one goes through life. One usually goes through life making choices behind choices, living off your decisions and its consequences. We each have our own routine we follow day by day, even if we dont always notice it.Its as if were a character in a play and we follow a script we memorize every day, until something unexpected happens and our role changes. We have to accommodate the new situation into our schedule and try to make it work. We also have time to squeeze in some fun and live. We tend to surprise ourselves from time to time to shake up our lives a little. If you go through your whole life thinking what if isnt healthy, you need to take a risk and throw yourself out there. Have fun and live your life while you still have it.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Establishing an Internet Cafe @ Poblacion, San Isidro, Bohol free essay sample

Introduction The first computer network was used by the U. S military in the year 1960. It was used for command and network with only one central authority to convey message from one place to another. However, its usefulness was limited as to its capacity to transmit. It took several years to develop powerful and sophisticated computers until it became what it is today. In the 70’s and 80’s, many group of people possessed computers. There were already network which became public domain and it came to be known as the internet. The fast changing technology that people embrace encourages them to avail the benefits of Internet services for their day to day activities. People tend to depend on convenient means of doing things with the aid of internet as life becomes more complicated. Internet changes our lives enormously. In fact, according to Internet World Stats, the estimated internet users worldwide are 2,405,518,376 as of June 30, 2012. The estimated number of users represents 34. 3% of the world’s population. In the Philippines, the internet connection began on March 29, 1994. The growth of internet in the country was very significant. However, there were many obstacles associated with the growth of internet including inequity in the distribution of internet throughout the country and corruption in the government. But these did not hinder the Filipinos to stop the internet. As years passed by, many Filipinos became users, which is a proof of the continuing development of the Internet connection in the country. Majority of the total population in the Philippines are netizens. According to Internet World Stats, the estimated users in the Philippines are 33,600,000 which represent 32. 4% of its total population. Being a developing country, not all can afford to have their own computers with internet access. Many would prefer to visit internet cafes to avail their services because it’s basically and practically cheaper than acquiring personal computers and laptops. In the province of Bohol, many people are users of the internet. It is evident because of the increasing number of Internet shops in the province. However, most of the Internet shops are located in the city thus, very limited to nearby barangays and towns. Only a few engages in internet shop businesses in municipalities or towns because of the risk of having no customers which will then result to unprofitable investment. We, the researchers of this study, therefore, agreed to make a research to determine the marketability, feasibility and profitability of establishing an internet cafe at Poblacion, San Isidro, Bohol. Another is to determine the internet cafe product and services that will yield a better return on investment. Review on Related Literature The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to serve several billion users worldwide. It is a network that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries an extensive range of information resources and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (WWW), the infrastructure to support email, and peer-to-peer networks (www. myenglishpages. com). The Internet, for some people, is the way to live. With a diverse source of information and access to the latest breaking events in the world, knowledge can be attained with a simple click. The Internet, undoubtedly, has profound potential. The global linkage allows us to connect with other individuals and share our thoughts and ideas. Social networking sites are one of the available means for global linkage like Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler and Multiply. This trend started with the rise of forums, chat services and file and media sharing sites, and combining these elements to create an integrated experience (Narciso, 2012). As Computer World Philippines magazine cited, the world becomes smaller because of Internet that connects people. The birth of various social networking sites made this possible. A smaller world also means faster information dissemination. In Asia, Social networking and gaming are very popular in the Internet Cafes. This popularity has helped create a strong demand and sustainable revenue model among most Internet Cafes. In the Philippines, the number of Filipinos who are using Internet is increasing each year. More and more Filipinos preferred to use Internet as a means of obtaining news and information rather than listening to radio or reading newspaper and magazines, according to a study conducted by TNS (Taylor Nelson Sofres), a global research company. Recently, â€Å"TNS Digital Life 2012† showed that 45% of Filipino respondents connected to the Internet compared to 36% who listened to radio, 12% who read newspapers, and 4% magazines. The study was based on interviews with 72,000 consumers in 60 countries worldwide from November 2011 to January 2012. With the tremendous consumption of internet, it has a major impact on every Filipino’s social life. They spend more time behind the PC either at home or at Internet Cafes than interacting with physical human beings face to face. They would rather sit online than get out for fresh air and exercise and instead of going to libraries, they just go â€Å"Google it† and any problem can be catered and solved. In addition to the study conducted by TNS, it also showed that majority of Filipinos accessing the Internet were children, teens and young adults. Debell and Chapman (2006) concluded that Internet use promotes cognitive development in children, specifically the area of visual intelligence, where certain computer activities-particularly games-may enhance the ability to monitor several visual stimuli at once, to read diagrams, recognize icons, and visualize spatial relationships. According to a series of benchmarking studies, academic achievement among poor rural students lags drastically behind their urban counterparts. However, currently very few poor rural schools have functioning computer facilities. With this, establishing an Internet Cafe could be of a great help as long as the place can be reached by the Internet Connection. As cited in in a website, one of the tips subsequent to assessment whether the place is good site to put-up with a signal and prior to establishment, is to ensure that there must be a maximum of 2 internet cafe in the target rural area (www. icafeproject. com). With all the consideration to the above requisites, we conclude that this study would be feasible in our target area, Poblacion, San Isidro, Bohol for there was no existing Internet Cafe in the said place. Statement of the Problem This study entitled â€Å"Establishing an Internet Cafe at Poblacion, San Isidro, Bohol† is primarily conducted to determine the profitability of this kind of business in the municipality. We take the opportunity to make this study because of the fact that this town is still untouched in terms of internet businesses. This study also considers the fact that the town is far from the city where most of the internet shops are located, thus giving the local members of the municipality an easier access to the internet. And finally, this study is necessary to determine the chances of success or failure of this kind of business for those aspiring to establish this business in the town of San,Isidro, Bohol. This study specifically sought to answer these sub-problems: Management Aspect: How would this business be managed and maintained? Marketing Aspect: What will be the approach to obtain target buyers? Technical Aspect: What is the best location and computer technology to be acquired in order to satisfy the increasing demand of customers? Financing and financial Aspect: What are the ways in which the business can maximize profit at the same time minimize its cost? Socio-economic Aspect: What are the ways in which the community members especially the students as well as the municipal government can benefit this business? Significance of the Study This study serves as a preparation for the effectiveness of establishing an internet cafe at Poblacion, San Isidro, Bohol. It signifies the accumulation of different factors that contribute the profitability of this project proposal, obtaining reliable resources and sufficient knowledge to satisfy the needs of the public. Internet cafe, as proposed, will be established in the heart of the municipality to provide the awaited service to the people. This cafe is said to be the first ever cafe established in the municipality, hence, there are lots of benefits it may contribute: providing the people internet access to different social networking sites; efficient and easy connections; modern way of enjoyment as provided by different online games; encoding and printing documents; effective and reliable way of doing business transactions and others. The establishment of this proposal also caters not only the services it provides but the outcome of this project also increases the income of the government by way of paying taxes and licenses, employment opportunities and like. For better planning, this study provides the proper allocation of what particular field we invest a big attention for the different areas: management, marketing, technical, financing and financial and socio-economic to satisfy customers and to be more profitable. Research Design Research Methodology and Data Gathering Procedure The research method used in conducting the feasibility study is the descriptive research method. This research method provides a comprehensive in-depth analysis of the business being studied and it serves as a fact-finding tool that permits adequate interpretation of the results of the survey conducted by the researchers. It is a kind of research method that gives information about the present situation particularly on the feasibility of the said business. Research Environment Poblacion is one of the twelve (12) Barangays of San Isidro, Bohol. It is located at the heart of the Municipality. It is composed of 1,684 residents, divided into 15 puroks. The area has few commercial establishments: school, church, market and municipal hall. Most of the residents’ sources of living are from white-collar jobs and agriculture. Most of the high-income earners in the said municipality are living in the Poblacion. Sources of Data The primary sources of data used in this study are the questionnaires and interviews from the people of Barangay Poblacion, San Isidro, Bohol. These questions and interviews are essential in obtaining valid and accurate data which is not found in books, magazines, periodicals, and others. The secondary sources of data used in this study include books, some internet provided information, dictionaries, magazines and other feasibility studies related to the topic and statistical data coming from the local government of Poblacion, San Isidro, Bohol . Research Subjects The researchers randomly selected the people of Barangay Poblacion, San Isidro, Bohol as respondents of this study. This is because the proponents of this feasibility believes that those chosen respondents can give the most appropriate information’s answers about the proposed business in relation to the present condition of the business industry. Sampling Technique Used The sampling technique used by the researchers is the Cluster Sampling Technique. The researchers divides the population into separate groups called clusters, then a simple random sample of clusters are selected from the population. The population of the selected Barangay is broken down into clusters by purok. Poblacion, San Isidro, Bohol is composed of 15 Puroks. 50% of the Puroks will be chosen through Lottery Sampling. In order to get an accurate representative sample size, 12 members will be selected from the chosen puroks through assignment of first number. Using the Slovin’s Formula having a margin of error of 10% the following were computed: n=_ N___ 1+N? 2Where: n=sample size N=total population ?=margin of error N= 1,684______ 1+ (1,684*0. 102) = 1,684_ 1+16. 84 =1,684_ 17. 84 =94. 39 or 94 Research Instruments The research instruments used in gathering data includes the use of questionnaire, interview and some library techniques. Questionnaire is the most common method of collecting data and serves as a written reference of the actual information necessary for the study. It consists of sets of questions in written form. Other library techniques were used such as the use of related books, magazines and related feasibility studies. Along with the survey questionnaires is an actual interview to provide first hand information from the respondents to better assess and analyze the present situation. Observation of some internet businesses was also done to gain more ideas regarding our proposed project. Operational Definition of Terms 1. Netizens A person who is a frequent or habitual user of the Internet. 2. TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol, it is arguably the single most important computer networking technology. The Internet and most home networks support TCP/IP as the language computers use to find and connect with each other. 3. Hypertext-the presentation of information as a linked network of nodes which readers are free to navigate in a non-linear fashion. It allows for multiple authors, a blurring of the author and reader functions, extended works with diffuse boundaries, and multiple reading paths. 4. TNS (TAYLOR NELSON SOFRES) PHILIPPINES, INC. -TNS Philippines is part of Kantar, one of the worlda s largest insight, information and consultancy groups. It currently stands as the leading customised marketing research company in the Philippines offering full service operations covering all aspects of marketing research and consulting, as well as in-house field and data processing. Our focus is to understand our clientsa marketing problems and design researches that make sure our analysis and recommendations are relevant and actionable for marketing decisions. 5. Cognitive development refers to the development of the ability to think and reason. Children (6 to 12 years old) develop the ability to think in concrete ways (concrete operations), such as how to combine (addition), separate (subtract or divide), order (alphabetize and sort), and transform (change things such as 5 pennies=1 nickel) objects and actions. They are called concrete because they are performed in the presence of the objects and events being thought about. 6. Optical networking uses thin glass or plastic optical fiber to transmit information in the form of light pulses. It is far more reliable and offers greater transmission capacity than conventional copper-wire networks. 7. SONET and Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) the most common optical transport protocol standards used in optical networking. They both meet the needs of traditional voice traffic, where all traffic is high-priority and patterns are generally predictable. 8. Facebook an online social networking service. Its name comes from a colloquialism for the directory given to students at some American universities. [5] Facebook was founded on February 4, 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow Harvard University studentsEduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. [6] The founders had initially limited the websites membership to Harvard students, but later expanded it to colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. It gradually added support for students at various other universities before it opened to high-school students, and eventually to anyone aged 13 and over. Facebook now allows anyone who claims to be at least 13 years old to become a registered user of the website. [7] 9. Twitter an online social networking and microblogging service that enables users to send and read tweets, which are text messages limited to 140 characters. Registered users can read and post tweets, but unregistered users can only read them. Users access Twitter through the website interface, SMS, or mobile device app. [10] Twitter Inc. is based in San Francisco and has offices in New York City, Boston, San Antonio and Detroit. [ 10. Tumblr stylized in its logo as tumblr. , is a microblogging platform and social networking website founded by David Karp and owned by Yahoo! Inc. The service allows users to post multimedia and other content to a short-form blog. Users can follow other users blogs, as well as make their blogs private. [4][5] Much of the websites features are accessed from the dashboard interface, where the option to post content and posts of followed blogs appear. 11. Internet a global network connecting millions of computers. More than 100 countries are linked into exchanges of data, news and opinions. According to Internet World Stats, as of December 31, 2011 there was an estimated 2,267,233,742 Internet users worldwide. This represents 32. 7% of the worlds population. 12. Multiply a social networking service with an emphasis on allowing users to share media – such as photos, videos and blog entries – with their real-world network. The website was launched in March 2004 and is privately held with backing by VantagePoint Venture Partners,Point Judith Capital, Transcosmos, and private investors. [2] Multiply had over 11 million registered users. The company was headquarterd inBoca Raton, Florida but moved to Jakarta, Indonesia early in 2012 and recently announced intentions to switch to e-commerce, dropping the social networking aspect entirely. Quantcast estimates Multiply had 2. 47 million monthly U. S. unique visitors at their peak on July 30, 2012the quality, state, or capability of being connective orconnected ; especially : the ability to connect to or communicate with another computer or computer system 13. Computers the ability to link to and communicate with other computer systems, electronic devices,software, or the Internet: This laptop has limited connectivity. 14. Connectivity- the means by which individual terminals, computers, mobile devices, and local area networks connect to the global Internet 15. Network a group of two or more computer systems linked together. 16. Computer- is a general purpose device that can be programmed to carry out a set of arithmetic or logical operations. Since a sequence of operations can be readily changed, the computer can solve more than one kind of problem. 17. Social networking service- an online service, platform, or site that focuses on facilitating the building of social networks or social relations among people who, for example, share interests, activities, backgrounds, or real-life connections. 18. Social network- is a social structure made up of a set of social actors (such as individuals or organizations) and a set of the dyadic ties between these actors. The social network perspective provides a set of methods for analyzing the structure of whole social entities as well as a variety of theories explaining the patterns observed in these structures. The study of these structures uses social network analysis to identify local and global patterns, locate influential entities, and examine network dynamics. 19. Electronics-deals with electrical circuits that involve active electrical components such as vacuum tubes, transistors, diodes and integrated circuits, and associated passive interconnection technologies. 20. Google- is an American multinational corporation specializing in Internet-related services and products. These include search, cloud computing,software, and online advertising technologies. [6] Most of its profits are derived from AdWords.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Michelle Obama an Example of the Topic Personal Essays by

Michelle Obama by Expert Ivy Writer {PhD} | 14 Dec 2016 Introduction Need essay sample on "Michelle Obama" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Michelle Obama is an American Lawyer and the wife to the 2008 Democratic nominee for the American presidential elections Barack Obama.Michelle was born in 1964 in the South Side of Chicago, where she also grew up. She is a graduate of the Princeton University and the Harvard Law School. Michelle has worked at a corporate firm (Sidley Austin), Mayor of Chicago office, at the University of Chicago, and the University of Chicago hospitals. Michelle and her family live in Chicagos South Side, and she has been acknowledged for her demeanor, fashion sense, and style. Being the wife to Barack Obama who is the Illinois senator and the 2008 Democratic nominee for the Unites States president, Michelle has continued to receive great public and media attention. This has resulted to the publication of many articles which have focused on her profile. As a potential First Lady, there is need for the American people to know more about Michelle. This gives the media the responsibility to inform people about the various public figures, Michelle included. One article Barack Rocks by Richard Wolffe in the NEWSWEEK of February 25, 2008 gives a detailed profile of Michelle Obama. Another article The Other Obama by Lauren Collins in the New Yorker of March 10, 2008 also gives a profile of Michelle. These articles will be used in this paper, to compare Michelles two profiles. Discussion The two articles have several similarities in relation to Michelles profile. One major similarity is that, the two authors have managed to give a description of Michelle and her life experiences. The two authors have pointed out Michelle Obamas excellent academic qualifications and they acknowledge that Michelle Obama is bright and intelligent, which made her to earn places in some of the best and most prestigious education institutions in America. For instance, Wolffe confirms that Michelle is a graduate of the Princeton University and the Harvard Law School. Though Collins does not mention about the Princeton University, she asserts that Michelle graduated from the Harvard Law School. Due to her brightness in class, Michelle was even able to skip the second grade, according to Wolffes article. The Princeton University is said to have been overwhelmingly white and for the privileged. However, Michelles intelligence and hard work at the Princeton University led to her graduation with departmental honors. This earned her a place at Harvard Law School, after which she managed to get a job at a corporate firm. By attending some of the best education institutions and performing excellently, Michelle is an excellent lawyer (Wolffe, R.2008). The two authors have managed to use different words and styles of language through the articles to show Michelles excellent academic and professional qualifications .Another similarity between the two articles is that, Wolffe and Collins have brought out Michelles family background. This is very important for the reader when it comes to learning about a particular public figure. The authors have done this by focusing on Michelles childhood. For instance, the two articles point out that Michelle grew up living in a small family house located in the Chicagos South Side. From this humble background, Michelle has risen to what she is today. The authors are able to give us a comparison of Michelles life when young and now assisting the readers to know where Michelle Obama is coming from, in relation to her background. Through Michelles profile, the authors have managed to bring out the issue of racism and its effects on the African-American students. Michelle is described by Wolffe as one of the African-American students who was discriminated due to her race. Racism is an issue of great concern in America, and bringing out the issue in the articles assists the public to realize that just like many other African-American students ,Michelle went through the challenge of being discriminated against.Wolffe describes in details Michelles experience in school, where she was faced with the challenge of racism. In addition, how she dealt with this challenge is discussed. In Princeton University, African- American students were viewed as people who did not deserve to be there, but rather as affirmative action recipients. With her two African-American friends, Alele and Acree, Michelle established a friendship which assisted them to share their concerns about racism in school. They even hanged out in areas not visited by the whites. While Michelle and her friends hanged out at the campus social club at the Third World Center, their white classmates hanged out around Princetons eating hubs. It is the racial tension in school that triggered Michelle to write a Sociology thesis write up Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community. Lauren Collins uses several words to imply that Michelle had experienced discrimination due to her race. She uses the statement, traversed vast landscapes of race and class to explain Michelles life experiences. This statement makes an implication that Michelle has had to overcome challenges as a result of her race and background. The articles have successfully managed to bring out Michelles strong character and personality. Though the two authors have used different words, the articles bring out Michelles character. For instance, Wolffe uses words and Michelles life experiences to assist the reader understand the kind of a person that she is. Collins on the other hand, has managed to bring out the character qualities by highlighting them briefly. According to Wolffes article, Michelle can be described as intelligent, hardworking, commited, dedicated to her work, humorous, determined, encouraging, confident, strong, and successful. Collins just points out Michelles character qualities briefly without using detailed description. Collins in the article show Michelle as intelligent,hardworking,strong, disciplined,determined,cool in temperament,commited and honest. It is her honesty that has contributed to her popularity with the media and the electorate (Collins, L.2008). Despite the similarities between the two articles, there are some differences. Wolffes article Barack Rocks is long and it gives more details about Michelles life as compared to Collins article The Other Obama.Wolffe uses simple language and elaborates on what he is discussing in the article. Through the article, Wolffe manages to give a detailed description of Michelles experiences in childhood, school, professional career, marriage, and her husbands political life. Some facts about Michelle are stated, while others can be derived from the descriptions in the article. It is through these descriptions in Wolffes article that a reader can be able to make conclusions about Michelle Obama without necessarily getting the facts stated out by the author. In addition to this, the language that is used in the article is simple for the reader to understand. For instance, Michelles school experiences in Princeton University and Harvard Law School are described into details, with the explanation on how Michelle and her friends managed to deal with the issue of racism provided. As compared to Wolffes article, Collins The Other Obama is shorter and only gives a brief description of Michelles experiences in childhood, school, work, marriage, and political career of her husband. The article brings out Michelles character and family background by providing brief statements about Michelle.Futhermore,Collins article fails to provide the reader with a detailed profile of Michelle.Instead,it summarizes her school and work experiences. It is important to note that some of the details that Wolffe has given in the profile are not reflected in Collins article. A good example is the mentioning of Princeton University by Wolffe as one of the prestigious schools that Michelle went through. However, Collins does not mention the Princeton University, but mentions about Michelles enrollment and graduation from the Harvard Law School. Collins also fails to discuss Michelles professional career into details, only highlighting the different places in which she has worked. The issue of racism in the American education institutions is emphasized in Wolffes article Barack Rocks. In this article, racial discrimination in schools through which Michelle learned is discussed in details. However, the article by Collins makes a statement that only implies that Michelle went through challenges as a result of her race and social class. For instance, Wolffe gives a clear picture of how racial pide segregated Michelle from her white school mates, her feelings about the racial pide, and how together with her friends Michelle dealt with racism. Michelles feelings about racism are discussed, with the article stating that the tension triggered her to write a sociology thesis Princeton-Educated Blacks and the Black Community. The article by Collins does not provide this information. Michelles involvement and feelings about her husbands political career are well reflected in Barack Rocks, unlike in The Other Obama.Collins in her article uses the name Obama to refer to Michelle Obama due to the articles title The Other Obama.In this case, Michelle is discussed as the Other Obama.Wolffe on the other hand uses the name Michelle to refer Michelle Obama. Conclusion Michelle Obama is currently viewed as the potential First Lady, with only few days to go before the American citizens go to the polls. For the Americans, it is not just important to have a good president, but also a First Lady. Through the articles that have been written about Michelle Obama, the people can learn about her. She is now enjoying great attention from the media and the public. The articles written on Michelle have some similarities and differences, but the reader can learn a lot from the articles content. References Collins, L.2008.The Other Obama.The New Yorker .March 10, 2008 Accessed on October 28, 2008 Wolffe, C. (2008). Barrack Rocks. February 25, 2008 Accessed on October 28, 2008

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Marriage in a Midsummer Nights Dream

Marriage in a Midsummer Nights Dream Introduction A Midsummer Nights Dream is a play written by William Shakespeare in the late sixteenth century. The main theme of the play revolves around the marriage between Thesus, the Duke of Athens, and the Queen of Amazons called Hippolyta, as well as the events that surround the married couple.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Marriage in a Midsummer Night’s Dream specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There are some other characters in the play, namely, adventurous Athenians and six amateur actors, who greatly contribute to the plot and topic development of the play. A Midsummer Nights Dream explores both sides of love being the basis for any marriage. Pyramus and Thisbe end up being unfortunate lovers representing the dark side of love. On the other hand, Hermia and Lysander happily got married exemplifying the good side of love. As such, the paper seeks to explore the theme of marriage, which has been used by Shakespeare to symbolize resolution and closure vivid throughout the whole play. The paper also seeks to discuss the role of marriage in the play, and how it affects other themes touched upon in it. The marriage between Thesus and Hippolyta The marriage between Thesus and Hippolyta brings together the King and the Queen. Their marriage is mature and stable; it also brings peace to the Kingdom and to its outskirts. Thesus says to Hermia †Know of your youth, examine well your blood(1.1). The fairies in the play are very humorous; they bless this marriage through songs, and dancing. There are some other characters in the play that are used to highlight on the topic of marriage and love; these are the lovers sleeping in the glade along with the fairies. The consummation of the marriage at the end of the play symbolizes the true meaning of love. Thesus won this love by holding captive Hippolyta, the Queen of Amazon, while at war. The difficult period between the couple may be trac ed as Thesus displays a chauvinistic behavior that, however, surprisingly contributes to his growth. He instructs Hippolyta, Stand forth.† (1.3) He exhibits general characteristics of emotional violence. His behavior is an indication to the reader that this marriage though positive in its nature has an underlying male dominance. Lysander, Helena, Hermia, and Demetrius The love affairs and relationships between Lysander, Helena, as well as Hermia and Demetrius are full of difficulties. Ironing out these problems in marriage is a heavy task to fulfill but they succeeded to settle down all their problems in the end. Humor comes along when they move into the mysterious Woods.Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The driving force of these people who are in love with each other, and later end up marrying is the beauty. They easily fall in love with each other because they feel and see that their partners are beautiful. However, one realizes at the end that sometimes this turns out to be a totally unattractive feature. Helena shows deep emotional affection and appears to have genuine love as opposed to Lysander, Hermia, and Demetrius. She imagines, a child, as boysthe boy (2.3) This perhaps is the reason why she is abused. Her love though genuine does not receive the same gratitude, withering on the virgin thorn/Grows, lives, and dies in single blessedness.† (2.3) Things, however, seem to take a different course when Demetrius who is slowly recovering from the power of love juice, expresses signs of falling in love with Helena. The course of love in this marriage is very rocky but in the end, they sort out the problems and get married that brings happiness and harmony to both of them. Oberon and Titania The marriage between Oberon and Titania who are the King and Queen of the Fairies is full of quarrels and claims. They also control other relationships using Oberons spell, Titania, rock the ground whereon these sleepers be (4.1). They turn the world chaotic with their quarrel over the Indian boy. It is questionable why Oberon uses spell to take custody of the boy when the reason Titania keeps him is clear. Oberon says here that, And ere I take this charm from off her sight, as I can take it with another herb, Ill make her render up her page to me.† (5.3).The problems in the marriage are clearly evident when Oberon accepts to reunite with Titania after taking custody of the boy. Marriage is not a battle where one partner uses all the means available to satisfy his or her desires. Oberon using his spell ensures that Helena and Demetrius fall in love, and end up in the marriage that he and his wife fully give their blessings to. Conclusion In conclusion, one may stress out the fact that marriage as depicted in the play achieves its role as a symbol of resolution and closure. The songs by Oberon and Titania at the end serve to underline this role. †So shall all the couples three, ever true in loving be, and the blots of nature’s hand, Shall not in their issue stand.† (8.2) In their singing, they urge the three couples to live in true love. The triple wedding that takes place at the end serves to reinforce the statement. Shakespeare, William. A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Washington: Square Press, 1993. PrintAdvertising We will write a custom essay sample on Marriage in a Midsummer Night’s Dream specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Health Education Plan on Obsity Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Health Education Plan on Obsity - Assignment Example From the essay it is clear that  initially the goals to cope with childhood obesity should be small, so that the child doesn't get scared or discouraged. Every school should aim to address physical activity and nutrition through a Coordinated School Health Program (CSHP). Management should designate a school health coordinator who can maintain an active school health council. Modest decrease in food intake accompanied by physical activity can result in large weight loss over time.This study declares that  Both the child and the family should aim at the nutrition education; including the components of a healthy diet and the understanding of food labels and calories distribution.   Parents need to have stimulus control that includes limiting the amount of fattening foods in the house, eating all meals at the dinner table and at designated times, and serving food only once before putting it away.  Family sedentary habits like television-viewing patterns should be reviewed and mo dified. Mothers should be taught to understand the importance of breast feeding and delaying the introduction of solid foods in infants that decreases the risk of   weight problems in future. Following is the data on health statistics provided by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys.  Educator should try to design an educational tool that is interactive and entertaining in delivering nutrition education to children.  ... Family Involvement Both the child and the family should aim at the nutrition education; including the components of a healthy diet and the understanding of food labels and calories distribution. Parents need to have stimulus control that includes limiting the amount of fattening foods in the house, eating all meals at the dinner table and at designated times, and serving food only once before putting it away.  Family sedentary habits like television-viewing patterns should be reviewed and modified. Mothers should be taught to understand the importance of breast feeding and delaying the introduction of solid foods in infants that decreases the risk of weight problems in future. Following is the data on health statistics provided by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (Kopelman, 2005). 10 calories extra per day results in 1 lb of weight gain ( 3,500 calories equals 1 lb; there are nine calories per gram of fat and only four calories per gram of carbohydrate or prote in ). 150 calories extra per day = 15lbs/year. Cut out one cookie a day and lose 15 lbs in a year. Why should a child face embarrassment when his clothes fit too tightly due to overweight. Implement a high-quality course to study health and physical education. Educator should try to design an educational tool that is interactive and entertaining in delivering nutrition education to children. Fruits and vegetables questionnaires, and organizing ‘Nutrition Jeopardy’ like television shows in early childhood settings will help students learn nutritional properties of food.Moreoover, child should be encouraged by their health instructor to set weekly goal to perform physical activities and help determine the reward for reaching the